Bruce Springsteen
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05_be_true.mp3 05 Be True.mp3  (8.94 Mo)

Your scrapbook's filled with pictures of all your leading men
Well baby, don't put my picture in there with them
Don't make us some little girl's dream that can't ever come true
That only serves to hurt and make you cry like you do

Well baby, don't do it to me and I won't do it to you

You see all the romantic movies, you dream and take the boys home
But when the action fades you're left all alone
You deserve better than this, little girl, can't you see you do
Do you need somebody to prove it to you

Well baby, you prove it to me and I'll prove it to you

Now every night you go out looking for true love's satisfaction
But in the morning you end up settling for just lights, camera, action

And another cameo role with some bit player you're befriending
You're gonna go broken-hearted looking for that happy ending
Well girl, you're gonna end up just another lonely ticket sold
Crying alone in the theatre as the credits roll
You say I'll be like those other guys
Who filled your head with pretty lies
And dreams that can never come true

Well baby, you be true to me and I'll be true to you



La version studio de Be True a été enregistrée le 18 juillet 1979, au studio Power Station, à New York City, et retravaillée le 22 avril 1980. Cette version utilise la même piste musicale que la version officielle parue en 1981 sur la face B du single Cadillac Ranch, et en 1998 sur l'album Tracks, mais l'arrangement est différent.


La chanson Be True partage une grande partie de ses paroles avec la chanson Mary Lou, parue en 1998 sur l'album Tracks.



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